Coway is a part of the global community and supports sustainable global initiatives

We care about today and tomorrow

Coway is a part of the global community and supports sustainable global initiatives

We care about today and tomorrow

Our Commitment

We continue to evolve while guarding the value of sustainability. Now, we are committed to taking a great leap of faith

Since 2006 Joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC)

UN Global Compact

We committed to its 10 principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

By 2050, full carbon neutrality

COP21 Carbon Reduction Plan

We support the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

12 Consecutive Years on the DJSI Asia Pacific Index

Dow Jones Sustainability index

Jeong-Do management system

Code of Product

Business Code

of Conduct

Enactment of a unique code for the

internalization of Jeong-Do management

Compliance check organization

Ethics Compliance check organization

(under the direct control of the CEO)

The prevention and management of possible

ethics risks in organizational operations

Consensus by Ethics Education

Building a consensus

through education

Training for employees and partner companies

to spread the culture of Clean Coway

Download our latest Sustainability Report

Our annual sustainability report evaluates our dedication to sustainability and tracks the progress we've made towards achieving our ambitious sustainability objectives.